A serious game about pollution and the effect it has on the environment. The game is story based and is meant to raise awareness to the whole effects of pollution and its victims
The game was released in its alpha phase in July of 2024. A beta version has been released and is available on my
A full release of the game will be released in the near future

Annihilation was a game done for a very recent game Jam, it has 3 different enemies that each function very different.
The game was done within 4 days and had post processing applied to it as well as basic sound elements. It is set to be polished furtherThe game has 2 bosses and 1 base enemy that the player goes against

Flow was a personal project that never saw the light of day because of how complicated and buggy the game became, as well as the gameplay loop feeling boring and repetitive.
There are plans to rewrite the game from the ground up and make it a better experience and game, using what I have learnt over my 5 years of learning programming and game design to make the game more fun and enjoyable.
The game serves as a testament to the self taught procedural generation evident in the game, before AI became prevalent.
Bogan Rangler
Bogan rangler was a game that sought to create a turn based game with the enemy.
The enemy AI for this project was created by using behaviour trees. The AI will consider a number of different options available to it and choose the outcome that is the best.
The game was an introduction to the possibilities that behaviour trees allowed and it allowed for more complex actions and interactions in future projects.